I was born in 1954 in a small steel mill and oil refinery town called Whiting, Indiana...walking distance from Chicago. Go ahead, Google it.
One of six kids in a working class family I was always drawn to physical fitness, spirituality, body conditioning and exercise techniques. Don't know why, just was.
In high school I won the Presidents Physical Fitness award...twice. And in college I discovered and fell in love with Martial Arts and trained 4 hours a day about 5 or 6 days a week...for years. Eventually I earned my Black Belt in an Okinowan style called Shorin Ryu.
Later I moved to Chicago and worked as a copywriter for about 10 years.
It was in Chicago where I discovered and trained at one of the best Martial Arts facilities in the World... the Degerberg Academy of Martial Arts.
Here I studied Mixed Martial Arts including Kick Boxing, Boxing, Judo, Wrestling, and other arts. In many ways I had to "unlearn" classical martial arts to learn the fluidity of arts like boxing and kickboxing.
Fred Degerberg, the owner and Head Instructor often brought in world class athletes and world champion fighters who would share their knowledge with us in a seminar format. The Degerberg Academy of Martial Arts is beyond description.
I earned an Associates Degree in law enforcement, a B.S. in business, and attended graduate school at San Jose State University where I studied Mass Communications.
Having fun is a key to a happy life which is why you may find some of my videos "amusing." LOL. Practical jokes and pranking people is one of my past-times. I LOVE to make people laugh!!!
Often I will make videos which I hope make people laugh. Laughing is an essential part of THE AEROBIC HOUSE CLEANING LIFESTYLE.